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Our proteins


Are you looking for nutritional, texture-rich solutions for your dairy products

Meet new consumer expectations with Clean Label products: a guarantee of authentic, natural, transparent products that meet the ever-growing demands of the food industry, particularly for fresh dairy products.

The benefits of our Clean Label milk proteins

Ingredia Functional provides the food industry with innovative solutions for products and applications adapted to market demand.

Our milk proteins provide both functional and nutritional benefits for your dairy products:

  • Improving nutritional value for the food industry,
  • Optimizing organoleptic quality, improving texture and taste: airy mousse, good dairy taste, homogenous dairy beverages, rich cream, thick and delicious Greek yoghurt, etc,
  • Optimizing product cost with highly functional solutions that replace additives, with specific fields of application (replacing emulsifiers with natural proteins that have equivalent properties),
  • Positioning you on a growing market with Clean Label products that use natural ingredients and products with 100% dairy ingredients,
  • Developing formulas with simple, short labelling,
  • Meeting consumer expectations for nutrition, taste and food sensitivities.

Clean Label products: a response to market trends

Consumer demand for transparency from industries is growing. The trend is towards simple, healthy products, with a limited list of artificial ingredients. They prefer natural ingredients with excellent nutritional value.

The Clean Label requires manufacturers to uphold values of authenticity, ethics and transparency in their products. Consumers now expect from industries:

  • Environmental responsibility,
  • Local or at least French ingredients,
  • Manufacturing and processing methods that respect product integrity,
  • Fewer ingredients,
  • Removal of artificial ingredients,
  • Rich concentration of simple, natural and healthy ingredients.

Ingredia Functional: unique and functional Clean Label proteins

Ingredia Functional offers a wide variety of dairy product applications for Clean Label milk proteins with healthy reporting: a shorter list of ingredients, replacing controversial additives with products 100% sourced from milk and a better nutritional profile.

Ethics and commercial responsibility are central to our group policy at Ingredia. Our teams provide expert advising on international regulations that apply to products, specific regulations pertaining to dairy products and the labelling requirements in force.

Our sales teams specialize in your field and are your point of contact for evaluating your needs based on your organization, goals and market trends.

With our range of proteins sourced from superior quality fresh milk, you can meet the worldwide trend demanding high-protein formulas, targeted functional ingredients in simple recipes, and as close as possible to raw, untransformed products.

Through our non-denaturing extraction process, we offer proteins with their nutritional and functional properties intact that meet current market demands. Our whole milk proteins, proteins rich in native casein and soluble milk proteins have many advantages for the Clean Label market:

  • Stable protein composition,
  • Low lactose and fat content,
  • Traceable origins,
  • Transparent production.

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